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文档介绍:1 词句语法基本概念梳理一、词法部分 1. 动词(1) 行为动词 1I stayed at home and did some work. 我呆在家里做些事。 2I’ ve just had a coffee, thanks. 谢谢,我刚刚用过咖啡。 3 It has not yet been announced who will judge the case. 还没有宣布谁来判这个案子。 4I don ’t know how to dress right. 我不知道怎样穿着得体。 5 Don ’t expect money to buy you happiness . 别指望拿金钱去买快乐。 6 He was killed doing his duty. 他以身殉职。 7 Please drop me at the traffic lights. 请在交通灯处让我下车。 8 Cancer strikes in every country in the world. 癌症袭击全球各国。 9 Lets ’ leave by the back door so as to avoid meeting the reporters. 咱们走***可避开记者们。 10I treasure the photographs of my father. 我将父亲的照片珍藏。(2) 持续动词①T he police watched the person . 警方在注意这个人。② My sister lived with us till she got married. 我姐姐一直和我们住在一起直到她结婚。③ He wears his hair rather long. 他留一头长发。④I hope it doesn ’t rain tomorrow. 我希望明天不要下雨。⑤ Do stand still while I brush your hair. 我给你梳头发时你站着别动。⑥I read about it in this morning ’s newspaper. 我是在今天的早报上读到这个消息的。⑦ Stay where you are and don ’t move till e. 我来之前在你呆的地方别动。⑧ Children grow fast after the age of two. 儿童在两岁以后长得很快。(3) 及物动词 1 They gave the boy a lie. 他们指责那男孩说谎。 2 May I offer you a lift into town ? 你可以搭我的车进城吗? 3 It puzzled me why she agreed e when she is so busy. 我奇怪她既然那么忙为什么同意来。 4 Ifyou know the answer raise your hand. 如果知道答案就举手。 5 The doctor told me to get more sleep. 医生告诉我要多睡眠。 6 He let me use his car. 他让我使用他的小汽车。(4) 不及物动词① Wait outside the door until you are asked to get in. 在外面等着,叫你进来,你再进来。② It poured with rain throughout the night. 整夜大雨瓢泼。③ The sun rises when it appears above the horizon. 太阳从地平线上升起。 2 ④ Bombs were falling on the city all night. 整夜向这座城市投弹。⑤ You can ’t expect the money to appear from nowhere. 不能要来路不明的钱。⑥I could see people moving to and fro in the squ are. 我看到人们在广场上来来往往。⑦ We ’ re hoping for good weather, of course. 我们当然希望好天气。 7 She often wished for a quieter life. 她总是希望过上安静一点的生活。(5) 及物与不及物动词① The children greatly desire e to Beijing. 孩子们最大的愿望是来北京。② He promised (me) not to interfere. 他答应不予干扰。③ Write me when time permits. 时间允许的话写封信来。④ He is the last man to acc