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文档介绍:威斯敏斯特宫(The palace of Westminster)
概述 威斯敏斯特宫(威斯敏斯特宫),又称国会大厦(国会大厦)是英国 国会(包括上议院和下议院)的所在地。威斯敏斯特宫是哥德复兴式 建筑的代表作之一,1987年被列为世界文ong-term pollution once again caused damage. In 1981, a conservation and restoration project for the exterior and tower was initiated and completed in 1994. The restoration of the inner courtyard will last until about 2010.
Vitoria tower and Big Ben
Sir Charles Barry's palace palace design package includes several towers at the bell tower panorama. The tallest is the Vitoria tower in the southwest square, reaching 98. 5 meters. Named after the rebuilt queen of Vitoria, it became the Congressional archives today. It has metal flagpole at its top, and the royal flag is hoisted while the royal family is held, or the British flag is hoisted at ordinary times. The base of the tower is a royal private passageway used to protect the members of the royal family during the opening ceremony of Parliament or other official celebrations.
Through the middle of the palace, it will soon reach the central hall, an octagonal tower with a height of 91. 4 meters (300 feet) in the middle, and the shortest of the three main towers of the palace of westminster. Unlike the other two, the central tower has a spire and is designed to be a high intake.
The northeast corner of the palace is the most famous palace of Westminster clock tower, 96. 3 meters (316 feet) high.
Vladimir Putin' s drawing for the bell tower was his last job for Barry. The bell tower at the top of the bell tower is a huge rectangular clock surrounded by Vladimir putin. The bell tower has 5 clocks, and it strikes every moment. The most famous one is Big Ben, which strikes every hour. It is also a third weight watch in England, weighing 13. 8 tons. Although the Big Ben meant the clocks themselves, today they have been used to call the whole tower.
In addition the St. Sidifenta is a small tower, located in the palace of Westminster Hall and the old front courtyard, its base include the St. Stephen c