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2015届《创新设计》高考英语(北师大版)一轮活页训练(提升版):8.23 Unit 23 Conflict.doc

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2015届《创新设计》高考英语(北师大版)一轮活页训练(提升版):8.23 Unit 23 Conflict.doc

上传人:allap 2017/5/27 文件大小:504 KB


2015届《创新设计》高考英语(北师大版)一轮活页训练(提升版):8.23 Unit 23 Conflict.doc



文档介绍:·1· Unit 23 Conflict Ⅰ. 完形填空 It was the end of my junior year , the weekend before a was __1 __ around that night with some friends , and a __2 __ got passed around the was taking swigs( 大口喝). Then the bottle got to took a was the biggest __3 __ of my life —I had to drive __4 __ later that night. About a mile from my house ,a policeman turned his light bar on and I __5 __ over and waited for him e to my door. “ Can I see your __6 __ and registration please , Miss ?” He took them and went back to his car for a he returned , he asked ifI had __7 __. “ Yes sir,”I asked me to step out of my car. All ofa sudden I felt cold metal on my __8 __ me right then and I was sitting in the back seat of his car , allI could think was ,“ God , I'm in so much __9 __ my parents are going to __ 10 __ me. ” The cop drove me toa town twenty minutes from my arrested was so __ 11 __. The next week I got a lawyer and I went to __ 12 __ two months after got $700 in fines , forty hours munity __ 13 __, and had to attend a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)'ll be on probation( 缓刑)for a year , and I have to __ 14 __ driver's education I __ 15 __ my license for a whole year! This has been a huge __ 16 __ experience for opened my eyes to how __ 17 __ it is to make a __ 18 __ want