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文档介绍:1 中药川芎中川芎嗪提取工艺优化的探索作者:马琳王秀杰,张坚,赵启铎,陈志娟【摘要】目的考查川芎药材有效成分川芎嗪提取的影响因素, 优化提取工艺。方法采用正交实验对川芎最佳提取工艺进行考察,以 HPLC 〔条件为 Kromacil C18 ( 150 mm × mm ,5μm )色谱柱为分析柱,以甲醇-1% 醋酸水溶液( 25∶ 75) 为流动相, 流速 ml· min-1 , 检测波长 280 nm , 柱温为室温〕作为优化分析手段。结果川芎的最佳提取工艺: 80% 乙醇(含 5% 乙酸) 12 倍量, 超声提取 2次, 45 min/ 次。盐酸川芎嗪在 ~ μ g/ ml 范围内呈良好的线性关系, 回归方程为 Y=20 205X-11 452 , r= 0 平均回收率为 , RSD=% 。结论该实验对川芎药材中的有效成分川芎嗪的提取效率高, 检测快速准确。在此 HPLC 条件下川芎嗪和其它成分之间能得到很好的分离。【关键词】川芎川芎嗪高效液相色谱 Abstract : ObjectiveTo take the factors which influence 2 Rhizoma huanxiong ’s extraction into account and optimize the extractive adopt crosscut experiment and explore the best extractive craft. The experiment was based on HPLC whose condition contained Kromacil C18 ( 150mm × ,5μm), the flow phase which methanol to acetic acid was 25 to 75,velocity of flow with per min,checking wavelengh with 280nm and the temperature with room temperature. ResultsRhizoma Chuanxiong ’s best extractive craft were as follows: ethanol 80% ( include 5% acetic acid ) and 12 times ’ quantity. Extraction method was ultrasonic wave with 2 times and 45min per time. Tetramethylpyrazine had good linearity relationship at the range of ~ μ g/ ml. Regression equation was Y=20 205X-11 452, r=. Average reclaim rate was , RSD=%. ConclusionThe method is convenient and great efficient. Under this conditio