文档介绍:1 重组 SARS 拟 CoV S1 蛋白抗原表位分析及抗原性检测作者:邵红伟,蓝东明,陈尚武,刘泽寰,黄树林【摘要】目的对严重急性呼吸系统综合征冠状病毒( SARS 拟 CoV ) 刺突蛋白( Spike, S) S1 段进行原核重组表达,并检测表达产物的抗原性。方法对 S1 中的 HLA 抗原表位进行预测分析, 根据分析结果选定用于重组表达的区段,利用 pET21b 载体进行原核表达,将产物纯化后利用 SARS 抗血清进行抗原性检测。结果抗原表位分析表明,S1 中包含有多个能够被 HLA 分子有效提呈的抗原表位,综合考虑表位肽的分布、重组表达的效率、重组蛋白的空间构象以及引物设计的优化等因素,选取S1 中的关键区域 259 ~ 565 aa 进行原核重组表达, 得到了包涵体形式的重组蛋白, 经过纯化和复性,获得了纯度较高的可溶性 S1 蛋白;用 SAR S 抗血清对此重组蛋白进行免疫学鉴定,表明该蛋白具有 SARS 特异的抗原性。结论重组表达的 S1 蛋白具有较强的抗原性,为进一步的疫苗研究和抗体筛选奠定了基础。 2 【关键词】 SARS ; S1 蛋白;抗原表位;重组表达 Abstract:Objective To express and confirm the antigenicity of the S1 fragment of spike protEin of SARS 拟 The epitopes recognized by HLA in S1 were analyzed, and the proper fragment was selected to express with pET21b binant protEIn was subject to antigenicity assay after Epitope analysis identified the nonamers, which could be presented by HLA molecule, in S1 view of the distribution of epitopes in S1 protein, the efficiency of binant expression, the conformation of binant protein, the optimization of primers design, and so on, a fragment (259 ~ 565aa) was selected to express in prokaryotic binant protein expressed as inclusion body was subject to purifying, denaturation, and renaturation, and purified soluble S1 protein was special SARS 拟 CoV antigenicity of this protein was identified by enzyme 拟 linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with serum from convalescent SARS binant S1 protein showed solid results laid a foundation for the research of ine and neutralizing antibodies. 3 Key words:SARS, S1 protein, epitope, binant expression 严重急性呼吸系统综合征(severe acute respira 拟 tory syndrome, SARS) ,又称传染性非典型性肺炎( atypical pneumonia ,简称“非典”) ,是由严重急性呼吸系统综合征冠状病毒( SARS coronavirus, SARS 拟 CoV ) 引起的呼吸系统疾病。自从 SARS 大规模爆发之后, 关于这种新型人类冠状病毒的各项研究,如病原学、流行病学、病毒基因组结构、病毒蛋白的重组表达、临床检测、疫苗的研制、公共卫生管理学等等,也随之快速开展了起来,并取得了很大的进展[ 1-3 ] 。但作为一种新出现的病毒,人们对它的了解还远远不够, 其致病机理迄今还没有被阐明[4], 有效的治疗药物还没有发现, 疫苗的研制尚处于初期阶