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文档介绍:1 广州地区 A 组链球菌 T 分型的分布状况【摘要】目的研究广州地区风湿热易感自然人群A 组链球菌( GAS )T 型的分布状况。方法从 1990 年5 月至 1991 年4 月,对广州地区 9~ 14 岁学龄儿童共 453 名(城市 250 名, 农村 203 名)每月取咽拭子培养 1 次,分离β- 溶血性链球菌后,采用兰菲分组鉴定出 GAS 共 732 株, 对 GAS 采用凝集法进行 T 分型。结果广州市学龄儿童携带的 GAS 的T 型以 T6(%) 、 T4(%) 、 T12(%) 多见。 T 型分布无性别差异(P> ) ,但有季节差异。同一学校不同班级有不同的 T 型分布。不可分型菌株占 % 。结论 1990 ~ 1991 年广州地区学龄儿童流行 GAS 的T 型主要以 T6 、4、 12 为多见;不同时期和不同地区流行 GAS 的T型分布存在差异。 Epidemic trends of T-typing of group A i in guangzhou area 2 【 Abstract 】 Objective To investigate the epidemic trends of the T typing of group A hemolytic i (GAS) isolated from Guangzhou school children in China from 1990 to 732 group A i were isolated from throat culture of 453 school children aged 9~ 14 years in Guangzhou City, South China from May 1990 to April 1991. The ir T-type detection rates, T-type epidemics, monthly isolation rates, and isolation rates by sex were analysed Among the children, the mon serotype was T6 (%),followed by T4(%), and T12 (%). The main serotype in Guangzhou urban areas was T6 (%), and in the rural areas was ;T12 (%). There was statistically significant difference (P< ) between urban and rural areas. There was no significant difference between male and female, but quite difference in different seasons. Different class in the same school had different T serotype distribution. Non-ty