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文档介绍:出生与家庭陈嘉庚先生祖籍福建省同安县集美村,生于 1874 年 10 月 21 日。 1890 年当他 17 岁时就南渡到新加坡。在父亲陈杞柏经营的米店学****经商。不幸在 1904 年家道中落,重振家业的担子就落在他的肩上,他筹足资本,开始创设黄梨厂,开拓橡胶种植业,发展橡胶工业和海运业。由于他的奋斗努力创业,在 1925 年,他的资产已达 1200 万元,所雇员工达一万人以上,成为早期东南亚社会的工商业先驱。在陈嘉庚奋斗建业的同时,他积极推动提倡教育工作,为培养教育下一代,大力兴办学校,振兴教授。在新加坡,他从 1907 年至 1947 年的 40 年内先后创办道南、爱同、崇福、崇本等小学,华侨中学,南洋师范及南侨女中。在中国,从 1913 年至 1920 年,前后在他的家乡集美创办了一群学校和学院, 统称为集美学校。 1921 年成立著名的厦门大学, 并单独创办与维持厦门大学达16 年之久。虽然,陈嘉庚企业在 1930 年结束了,但是陈嘉庚"倾家兴学"的美誉永存,为后人树立了学****榜样。在振兴教育之余,陈嘉庚先生也以社会改革为己任,多方改革华族社会的组织与陋****并提倡慈善事业不遗余力。抗日战争爆发,陈老先生四方奔走,团结广大南洋华侨,筹赈救亡,到处募捐, 支援抗战, 为振兴中华民族作出卓越的贡献。陈嘉庚先生于 1961 年8月 12 日在北京逝世,享年 87 岁,并得到中国政府赐予国葬礼以纪念陈先生对国家社会的贡献。 BIRTH AND FAMILY An overseas Chinese legend, Mr Tan Kah Kee's legacies have inspired many in Southeast Asia. From humble immigrant origins, he rose toa prominence which few can match. Best remembered as an eminent entrepreneur, social reformer, political activist, philanthropist, community leader, and educationist, he died at the age of 87 in Beijing on 12 August 1961 and was accorded a national funeral by the Chinese Government for his contribution to society. Born on 21 October 1874 in Fujian, China. At the age of 17, Mr Tan arrived in Singapore to join his father, Mr Tan Kee Peck in the family's rice business. Business reponsibilities came early as his father's business failed in 1904, leaving him much on his own. With extraordinary fortitude, enterprise and risk-taking ability, he set about establishing a business of his own which began in pineapple canning, then diversified into rice milling. He eventually found the mainstay of his fortune in rubber plantation. The switch from rubber plantation to rubber manufacturing was a move he made boldly, and it established him as one of the most essful Chinese overseas businessmen in the whole of Southeast Asia. By the 1920s, he thus came to preside over a huge business empire which extended into most East and Southeast Asian cities, employed over 10,000 persons. It spanned areas as diverse as rubber plantation an