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文档介绍:We are TV now.
The sun is than the moon.
What are you going to do this?
We my grandparents last Sunday.
David is goid, e, n, e, k
30. a, v, e, h/1, p, r, i/ a
Why? B. He's going to help me. C. Cool! How about your mother?
D. What's your plan for the holiday? E. Yes, I like making cards.
Liu Gang: I'm staying at home.
Liu Gang: Because I'm going to make different kinds of model cars.
Linda: That's fun.
Liu Gang:(60) Linda: What about your father?
Liu Gang:(61) Linda:(62) Liu Gang: She's going to clean the room and cook for us.
Linda: That's not bad!
读一读,根据这则日记的内容判断正(T)误(F) (10分)
June 6th, sunny
Today I'm very excited. We went hiking with our teacher. We had a race with Class 2 to the top of the hill. It was really hot. At the middle of the hill, We were very tired and thirsty. Jane gave me her last pear. We did not stop. At last, we won! We put our flag at the top of the hill first. We shouted, “Hooray! Yeah^, How happy we were!
( )63. It was a sunny day, but it wasn't hot.
( )64. We went hiking with our teacher.
( )65. We had a race with Grade 2 to the top of the hill.
( )66. At last, we put our flag at the top of the hill first.
( )67. We were happy.
得分 (10分)
They play football every day.(把 every day 改写成 yesterday)
They foo