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文档介绍:感冒后的饮食禁忌(Diet taboo after catching cold)
Diet taboo after catching cold
Cold, commonly known as colds. According to thy perilla oil extract, volatile, hair, boiled porridge gruel cooked in the Perilla should add basil leaves 10 grams, can boil slightly, not long cooking.
[honeysuckle] has the role of heat, Chinese medicine is commonly used to treat wind heat cold. "Common Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook”: Honeysuckle Qingre detoxification, governance exogenous fever, cough. Make herbal tea or prevent heatstroke. " Every summer cold, fever and sore throat, appropriate frequency of drinking tea with honeysuckle.
[lotus leaf] suitable for summer wind, cold consumption, it has clear summer effect. The "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: "the leader of heat supernatant of lotus leaf. ” "Herbal medicine to the new" also said: "the cool and hot weather, thirst Sheng Jin, hot solution. z/ So the summer heat of the season, with lotus leaf fried water instead of tea, drink frequently, for the prevention and treatment of cold heat, the most suitable.
[Mint] cool, pungent flavor, there are sparse wind, heat dissipation throat role. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "the mint, Essien can spread, can cool Qing Li, specializing in wind and heat dissipation." Suitable for wind heat, cold, headache, red eyes, sore throat, tea drinking.
[white] chrysanthemum anemopyretic cold, suitable for white chrysanthemum 5 grams, boiling water, tea. Especially suitable for hot summer drink, it is dispelling wind, clearing heat, eyesight, detoxification, heat effect.
[]fermented black bean flat, can dissolve the table of evil, often in the folk with the light blue with fermented black bean, or fried soup or porridge to eat, drink, regardless of the cold or cough are advised, there sweating, fever effect.
[coriander] warm, pungent flavor, cold, cold should eat. Hi, caramel folk with coriander 30 grams, rice soup bowl, steamed food.
[brain] in Jiangsu area of Nanjing chrysanthemum is oft