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文档介绍:星际争霸秘籍+攻略(StarCraft cheats + Raiders)
In the single player mode, press the ENTER key and enter:
Power overwhelming = u drops to death
Consume = eat companions and absorb energy
Ensnare = a substantial reduction in troop movement speed
Parasite = parasitic reconnaissance bug
Task introduction:
Human beings
First pass
Report: building a power station and the construction of a green smelting plant
This is very easy, game player can be assured that the first to familiarize yourself with the operation of the game, "THAT OK, battle begins, there is a construction robot, the command center and a power station project, click on the robot, let him go to collect minerals, a robot is too slow, click the command center, reconstruction two robots, one to build green smelting factory, another mining minerals, such as green ore smelting plant built after,
Engineering robot will automatically Cailv mine, not for a long time, as long as the edge of the continued construction of two power stations, will pass along the force.
Second pass
Report: Mr. RAYNOR find and destroy all enemy
Ah! Don't worry, we first warm-up warm-up, build a barracks, collect minerals, to your pockets thick, made of 10 infantry, she went out to look for our Mr. RAYNOR, a map of the bridge along the highway, and found the driving of armored vehicle Mr in a canyon mouth. JIM RAYNOR, chirp a lot of the crooked E, into the depths of the canyon, in a pile beside the keel and enemy encounters, quickly kill them, if there are soldiers injured back to trim, kill all the enemies, and then go back to build 10 infantry, fix. Collect troops!!
Report: destroy all the enemies and "Mr JIM RAYNOR" is still alive
This is what we really started at the beginning of the tough, still let the robot to collect minerals, and then send another engineering robot to build green ore smelting factory, which is in order to prepare for the future creation of Pyros, at the same time you should spare no effort to produc