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本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行 研究工space parallel cross, for the two lines cross traffic transfer. Urban rail transit station adopts the automatic fare collection system, pay and non pay zone at the interface between, station hall layer is arranged on the upper layer of the platform is arranged in a concentrated, fully rational using the geographical space. We use scientific design method, will pull into the station passenger flow and passenger reasonable hierarchical station, and also maximize the relationship of all passengers walking distance, to Nanchang citizens travel brings fast and convenient.
Finally, in the verification of the design, we according to the changes in our existing urban subway station built before the construction of the passenger flow data, of Nanchang railway station of urban rail transit station construction, changes in Nanchang city bus passenger to do a reasonable prediction. The results showed that rail transit station established, Nanchang City existing bus bearing pressure will fall 4 into above, which will greatly ease the Nanchang City, the existing transportation pressure. And in addition to the bus traffic pressure relieved a role outside, the establishment of urban rail transit station, along with the continuous development of society, will also of green travel in the era of the mainstream of development produced a powerful impetus to the, thus fundamentally quickly led to Hongseong economy and promoting the pace of the construction of urban civilization. So we believe that subway station construction has the necessity and rationality, and it will also Nanchang injection a fresh vitality to promote the rapid development of Nanchang.
随着世界范围内城市化进程的日益加快,城市人口的不断增加,城市交 通拥堵问题的日益加重,城市交通造成的环境污染问题日益加重,这些都在 一定程度上严重影响着人们的工作和生活,严重制约了生态型城市的建设和 城市的可持续发展。大力发展城市轨道交通,已成为世界各国解决交通问题 的主要手段。我国城市轨道交通建设发展至今已有30多年历史。据不完全 统计,我国已经建设和正在建设城市轨道交通的城市已近30个,规划城市 轨道交


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