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文档介绍:1 高考英语语法点总结篇一:高考英语语法必考点与常考点归纳 2016 高考英语语法必考点与常考点归纳一、冠词冠词分为不定冠词( a, an ), 定冠词( the ), 和零冠词。 II. 定冠词的用法 12 二、名词和主谓一致 I. 名词的种类特别注意: 名词类别的相互转换个体名词与抽象名词的相互转换 3 物质名词与个体名词的相互转换抽象名词与个体名词的转换 45 篇二:高考英语语法归纳 2011 高中英语语法归纳总结一、名词 2 【知识精讲】一、名词的数在熟悉可数名词单数变复数规则的基础上, 突出以下几点: 结尾,仍为单数的名词( 多为学科名词),如: physics, linguistics, mathematics, politics, statistics, news , the United States 2. 抽象名词表示具体或特定的事例时也可作可数名词, 单数前面应有不定冠词。如: (1) pleasure, surprise, help, ess, failure, danger, difficulty, wonder 等意为“... 的人/ 物”。如: The meeting isa ess. (2) worry, honor, disaster, rain, snow, fog, wind, gas, fire, crop, coffee, tea, food 等不可数名词,指“一种”、“一场”及“多种”、“多场”时, 可以有其单、复数形式。如: There have been strong winds over the last two months. (3) a need, a discovery, a love, a good time, a collection of, a knowledge of, a history of, a population of, an area of, an understanding of 等已形成固定形式。如: He has a good practical knowledge puter science. 3. 表示一类事物的总称的名词,不能加-s ,如: machinery, furniture, equipment, technology, luggage, baggage, homework, evidence 4. 一些名词单数和复数形式表达不同的意思,如: 3 chicke n 鸡肉/ chicken s 小鸡; fish 鱼肉/ fishes( fish )各种鱼; paper 纸/ papers 试卷; water 水/ waters 水域, roo m 空间/ rooms 房间 5. 只有复数形式的名词,如: glasses ( 眼镜) ,trousers, clothes , scissors 等, 注意加单位名词的用法: a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers 6. 一些名词形式上虽是单数,但表示的是复数含义,如: people , police, cattle, staff, public, the +adj., the + 分词; (表示一类人) 7. 以复数形式出现,表达复数含义,如: belongings, surroundings, earnings, savings, shoes, socks, goods, thanks, congratulations, funds, pains, arms, troops 8. 集合名词看成一个整体时, 谓语用单数, 若侧重各 个成员, 则用复数, 如: audience,class,couple,crowd,family,group,government,public ? The average family isa great deal smaller than it used to be. ? My family are going with me. 9. 单复数同形的名词,如: fish, deer, sheep, youth, Chinese, Japanese, means, species, crossroads, series, works, li (里) , yuan (元) , mu (亩)等? How many deer are there in Dafeng now? 10. 合成名词构成复数时,通常只将里面所含的主体名词变为复数, 如果没有主体名词, 则将最后一个部分变为复数,如: sons-in-law, passers-by, story-tellers, breakfasts, 4 housewives