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文档介绍:: .
and illegal acts. In addition, each one should enhance the
environmental awareness and within our power do something
beneficial. For example, we can carry around a canvas bag each
time to replace plastic ones, eliminating white pollution. Only when
all unit as one can we prevent the whole world from worse
社区活动的重要性As the pace of urbanization speeds up, a host of large communities
have been formed, especially in metropolis. Therefore, organizing
appropriate community activities becomes particularly vital. For
one thing, given that we are occupied with work and rarely go out,
the activities can provide us opportunities to chat or interact with
neighbors and reduce unnecessary conflicts. For instance,
community staff can hold parents-child campaigns, in which
children make new friends and parents share their experience about
raising a child. For another thing, community activities affect
positively in various aspects, which not only enrich our daily life,
but provide physical and mental benefits. Communities, coupled
with hospitals, offer door-to-door service such as physical
examination to the elderly, thus guaranteeing their health condition.
All in all, contemporary society should concentrate on community
activities, which aim to bring benefits to residents.
In terms of current depressed economic situation and potential risk,
saving certain money seems to be agreed widely. The primary
reason is to avoid short-term financial burden. When laid off or
suffering from accidents and sickness, citizens have to take out
sufficient money in order to go through the this condition, the money saved in advance matters a lot.
Besides, after retiring, the elderly need abundant material resources
to support themselves, so accumulating almost half of


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天津市民用机场净空及安全管理规定 7页

山东省安全生产行政责任制规定(2022年) 19页

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玉林市人民政府办公室关于印发玉林市加快发展.. 11页

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高分子近代测试习题 10页

人工关节置换术后康复 63页

职业健康防护与环境保护的协同研究 31页

阅读计划表简单又漂亮 23页

护理札记感想ppt 23页

护理鞋子ppt 19页

职业教育产教融合竞争新模式探索 35页

美容美发创业计划书 35页

结缔组织病相关间质性肺病的生活质量评估和干.. 26页

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《哈姆雷特》的读书笔记5篇 9页

流感预防知识培训课件重在掌握正确的预防方法.. 24页

关于凝心聚力担使命踔厉奋发新征程学习心得 13页

秩序经理岗位职责 22页

水电预留预埋专项与方案 25页

首营企业和首营品种的审核制度 2页

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