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上传人:wz_198614 2017/6/12 文件大小:3.75 MB




文档介绍:As people living standard rise ceaselessly, traveling has e a kind of people to relieve pressure to relax, especially in recent years, the rapid development of China's transportation makes it e a kind of may, airways of qinghai-tibet railway traffic development, high speed railway, and the rapid development of iron, and all the people in the profound influence on the way of life, and in the choice of transportation, railway is the safest, most economical, the most convenient and the environment. Because of the above advantages, the train trip to e the most out of choice, as the implementation of the western development strategy of qinghai-tibet railway landmark project is one of China's four engineering in the new century. The land east, west to Lhasa in qinghai , 1956 kilometers. The qinghai-tibet railway golmud to Lhasa , north of qinghai province, since the red, deep, wudaoliang tuotuo river, the ShiPing , climb, the Tibet autonomous region tanglha anduo , DangXiong occurred, and study, to Lhasa , the 1142 kilometers. Is the highest, the longest line of the plateau railway. When you sit on the train to Tibet, can not only enjoy the last week to train service, also can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. In recent years, the rapid development of high speed allows In recent years, the rapid development of high speed allows people t


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