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文档介绍:第 卷第 期
Vol􀆰 4 No􀆰 5 环境生态学 4 chnical process of carbon emission assessment in planning environmental impact assessment
of industrial the energy consumption data of major enterprises in X industrial park in 2020 and the main indicators of this
park􀆳s 2025 plan as research sampleꎬthis paper uses the area accounting method to do planned carbon emission analysisꎬadopts the
energy consumption􀆳s reduction rate per ten thousand yuan of GDP and carbon dioxide emission􀆳s reduction rate per ten thousand yuan
of GDP to evaluate the carbon emission of this park􀆳s planꎬand gives optimization and adjustment suggestions for plan and coordinated
control measures to reduce pollution and carbon emissions from the aspects of industrial structureꎬenergy structureꎬproduction process
and infrastructure.
Key words
:Industrial parkꎻplanningꎻevaluation of carbon emissionsꎻtechnical process
近年来 我国经济高速发展 已成为世界上最大 术流程和方法具有重要意义
    ꎬ ꎬ ꎮ
的碳排放国家[1 ̄3] 产业园区作为我国经济社会发
ꎮ 1  材料与方法
展的 主战场 是产业成长的重要平台和工业增长
“ ”ꎬ
的重要引擎[4] 在有力推动经济发展的同时 我国 1􀆰 1


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