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文档介绍:《土地荒漠化及我们应该如何保护环境》本科生课程论文及评阅书课程名称: 《环境与化学》课程论文成绩系(部)名称:经旅系专业名称:工程管理本 092 班学生学号: 2009111089 学生姓名:付红颜摘要:内蒙古乌海甘德尔山地处我国大西北, 南与宁夏自治区相邻,属典型的高原荒漠生态脆弱地带。结合甘德尔山生态景观规划设计工程案例, 探讨荒漠化地区在生态建设基础上进行有效的土地开发, 实现可持续发展的治理思路. 我国是世界上荒漠化危害严重的国家之一, 尤其是北方荒漠化面积广大, 一系列令人关注的生态环境和社会经济问题. 在荒漠化防治上, 我国做了大量卓有成效的工作, 但在防治过程中仍存在问题, 需进一步加大力度, 加快速度, 扩展规模, 特别是需要将荒漠化防治中生态建设和产业开发紧密结合起来。荒漠化概念、内涵和类型, 以及当前国内外荒漠化防治研究理论, 包括恢复生态学和可持续发展. 通过实地调研, 对与乌海甘德尔山自然地理条件极其相似的宁夏沙坡头旅游区进行分析, 通过实地考察乌海地区荒漠化土地现状, 怎样保护我们的自然环境。 Inner Mongolia GanDeEr mountain is located in the northwest China wuhai, south ningxia autonomous region with adjacent, is typical of the desert plateau ecological vulnerability zones. Combined with GanDeEr mountain ecological landscape planning and design project cases, this paper discusses the desertification area based on the ecological construction in effective land development and realize the sustainable development of the management idea. Our country is world desertification serious harm one of the countries, especially the north desertification area is broad, a series of greater concern in the ecological environment and the social economic problems. bating desertification country, China made a lot of essful work, but in prevention and control process still exist in the problem, need to further increase the strength, speed, expansion, especially to need to be bating desertification of ecological construction and i