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英语选修8外研版Module 3课件PPT浙江整合的设计1.ppt

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英语选修8外研版Module 3课件PPT浙江整合的设计1.ppt

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英语选修8外研版Module 3课件PPT浙江整合的设计1.ppt


文档介绍:英语选修8外研版Module 3课件PPT浙江整合的设计1
1.________ (a large sea fish that is used for food)
答案 tuna英语选修8外研版Module 3课件PPT浙江整合的设计1
1.________ (a large sea fish that is used for food)
答案 tuna 
2.________ (the hard part of the foot of some animals, for example horses)
答案 hoof 
3.________ (to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else)
答案 obsess
4.________ (of a person or thing, so changed or damaged that you do not recognize them)
答案 unrecognisable 
5.________ (a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place)
答案 delicacy
6.________ (of food looks and smells good, so that you want to eat it)
答案 appetising 
7.________ (to crush food into a soft mass)
答案 mash
8.________ (a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are often made)
答案 banquet 
9.________ (well known for being bad or evil)
答案 infamous
10.________ (a long tube in the body between the stomach and the anus)
答案 intestine
1.c________ (to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow)
答案 chew 
2.r________ (something that you need or want)
答案 requirement
3.d________ (sweet food eaten at the end of a meal)
答案 dessert 
4.o________ (to have to pay somebody for something that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed)
答案 owe
5.m________ (the way that something is done or happens)
答案 manner 
6.t________ (the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth)
答案 taste
7.d________ (food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal)
答案 dish 
8.t________ (a soft part in the mouth that moves around, used for tasting, swallowing, speaking etc.)
答案 tongue
9.p________ (things that will kill you or make you very ill if you eat or drink it)
答案 poison 
10.c________ (either of a part of thin sticks that are used for eating w


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