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文档介绍:actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building underGBH Boston for its Masterpiece anthology series. The series is primarily filmed in Cardiff, although the production also uses a variety of other locations. North Gower Street in London was used for exterior shots of Holmes and Watson's 221B Baker Street residence.
Sherlock depicts "consulting detective" Holmes, assisting the Metropolitan Police Service, primarily DI Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves), in solving various crimes. Holmes is assisted by his flatmate, Dr. John Watson, who has returned from military service in Afghanistan. Although the series depicts a variety of crimes and perpetrators, Holmes' conflict with his archnemesis Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is a recurring feature. Pathologist Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey) assists Holmes in her laboratory. Other recurring roles include Una Stubbs as Mrs. Hudson, Holmes and Watson's landlady; Vinette Robinson as Sgt. Sally Donovan; and Mark Gatiss as Sherlock's brother, Mycroft Holmes.
After an unaired pilot in 2022, the first series of three 90-minute episodes was transmitted on BBC One and BBC HD in 2022, with a second series of three episodes first broadcast in 2022. Critical reception was extremely positive, with many reviews commending the quality of the writing, performances and direction. Sherlock has


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