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文档介绍:Reading and Writing
Module 6 War and Peace
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1. Which paragraph gives details of what happens in part of the film?
2. Which paragraph gives information about the director and the stars of the film?
The third.
The first.
3. Which paragraph summarizes the story?
4. Which paragraph contains the writer’s personal view of the film?
5. Did the reviewer like the film?
The second.
The fourth.
Yes, she did.
Find the main idea of each paragraph.
Para 1:
Para 2:
Para 3:
Para 4:
the director and the actors of the film
the story of the film
the description of the most memorable sequence
the writer’s personal feeling about the film
The two main characters are Captain John Miller, played by Tom Hanks, and Private James Ryan, played by Matt Damon.
【考点】 character作名词,此处意为“人物,角色”;character还可意为“品质,性格,特点,特征,文字,符号”等。
Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ______ building.
A. respect B. friendship
C. reputation D. character