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学校 六年级 班 姓名 学号
密 封 〕26. He was a famous scientist in the world.
〔 〕27. He will go swimming and look for shells.
〔 〕28. I have two long ears and a short tail. I love vegetables and carrots.
〔 〕29. The weather gets cooler in this season. Farmers are always very busy.
〔 〕30. Let’s print on both sides of the paper. It’s a good way to save paper.
A. Can you help me, please?
B. Which bus can I take?
C. Could you tell me the way to the Primary School?
D. And how long will it take me to walk there?
E. Is the bus station far from here?
学校 六年级 班 姓名 学号
密 封 线
Woman: Excuse me, Sir. 31 〔 〕
Policeman: With pleasure.
Woman: 32 ( )
Policeman: Ok. Walk along that road. Then, turn left and you will see a post office, the Primary School is behind the post office. You can't miss it.
Woman: Thank you. 33 ( )
Policeman: About 15 minutes.
Woman: 34 ( )
Policeman: You can take the bus .
Woman: 35 ( )
Policeman: No. It’s not far.
Woman: You are so kind, thank you very much.
Policeman: Not at all.