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Physics paper--------------Effects of the skin
Effects of the skin
One. Definition (skin effect)
In calculating the wire resistance and inductance, assuming his current is evenly distributed in the cross section. Strictly speaking, this assumption only in the conductor's current rate of change (di / dt) is zero when established. Another argument is that cable through a direct current (dc), can ensure that the current density is uniform. But as long as the current rate of change is very small, current distribution is still considered to be uniform. For work in low-frequency thin wire, the paper still be confident. However, in high-frequency circuits, the current rate of change is very large, very serious state of uneven distribution. High-frequency current in the wire in the ic field produced by the center area of the wire induced the greatest force. Electromotive force induced in the closed circuit induced current, induced current in the wire center of the maximum. Because the induced current is always reduced the original direction of the current, forcing the current is limited to the external surface near the conductor. This should enable the conductor skin effect type at high frequency (microwave), the efficiency is very low, because the signal along its transmission, the attenuation large. The surface of metal parts for high-frequency hardening,
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