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Pride and Prejudice
Part One: About the Book.
Name: Pride and Prejudice
Author: novels: Sense and Sensibility in 1811, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Mansfield Park in 1814, and Emma in 1815. In July 1816, Austen completed the first draft of her next novel, titled The Elliots , which would later be published as Persuasion.
In early 1816, Austen suffered an illness (Most biographers believe that she suffered from Addison's disease) that led her to death the following year. Despite her illness, Austen continued to work on her writing. She revised the ending to The Elliots and started work on Sandition. She died on July 8, 1817, leaving Sandition unfinished, and was buried at the city's famous cathedral. The two novels Northanger Abbey and Persuasion were published posthumously as a set in 1817.
Jane Austen never married in her whole life. She lived most of her life in a community much like the one we find in Pride and Prejudice. Austen's novel, focusing on courtship and marriage, remain well-known for their satiric depictions of English society and the manners of the time. Her insights of the lives of women during the late eighteenth century and the early nin etee nth cen tury 一in additi on to her ability to han die form, satire, and irony — have made her one of the most studied and influential novelists of her time.
Summary of the Book


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