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浙00838# 语言与文化试卷 第3页〔共16页〕
全国2023年1 0月高等教育自学考试
I. Each o
浙00838# 语言与文化试卷 第5页〔共16页〕
10. “A Cleopatra〞 is an allusion from______.( )
A. mythology B. religion
C. literature D. sports
11. A simile is a direct _____ between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “like〞 or “as〞.( )
A. meaning B. comparison
C. link D. way
12. Terms of colours can be used either literally to refer to different colours or metaphorically to convey their ______ meanings.( )
A. direct B. implied
C. associative D. comparative
13. ______ are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.( )
A. Terms of humility B. Honourifics
浙00838# 语言与文化试卷 第6页〔共16页〕
C. Similes and metaphors D. Euphemisms
14. Honourifics are used to show respect to one’s interlocutors and persons mentioned in conversations, while ______ are used to show the speaker’s modesty.( )
A. honourifics B. compliments
C. terms of humility D. euphemisms
15. The term “text〞 refers to any piece of spoken or written language, which expresses a(n) ______ meaning.( )
A. complete B. incomplete
C. regular D. irregular
16. A: Do you mind my smoking here ?( )
B: This is non-smoking area.
There is ______between the above two sentences.
A. logic B. lexical
C. cohesion D. coherence
浙00838# 语言与文化试卷 第8页〔共16页〕
17. Which of the following words is a coinage, which is often used in the advertisements or brand names?( )
A. homely B. package
C. smoothness D. home office
18. The Chinese meaning of “Mars〞 is ______ .( )
A. 水星 B. 金星
C. 火星
19. What does punctuality mean to Americans and Englishmen?( )
A. in time B. on time if not a little before
C. a couple of minutes late D. half an hour late
20. ______ communication is communication without words.( )
A. Action B. Gestures
C. Verbal D. Nonverbal
II. Each of the following incomplete stat


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