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文档介绍:Milking the data Measuring household milk production in extensive livestock systems. Experimental evidence from Niger
Alberto Zezza
(World Bank)
Giovanni Federighi
(University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’)
Objectives, motivation and background
Methods tested (focus on questionnaire design)
Key objective: Assess and improve quality of milk production data in multi-topic household surveys
Neglect in African ag statistics
Importance of livestock for livelihoods
Importance of milk (e, food security, nutrition)
Household heterogeneity (as opposed to ‘tech. parameters’)
Inherent difficulties in data collection
Methods matter!
Competing approaches exist, but little ‘hard’ evidence on what works
Possible amplification of impact, given national and international partnerships
Direct use in future surveys (beyond the project countries)
Motivation and objectives
Livestock and livelihoods in Niger
GNI: 650 USD pc (PPP)
Life expectancy: 55 yrs.
Poverty: 60% (nat’l), 44% (1 $/day)
Malnutrition: 55% stunting (under-5’s)
Pop. :17 mln. (82% rural), 4%/year growth
Ag.: 43% of GDP, of which 12% Livestock
9 mln. cattle
23 mln. sheep and goats
Dominant (agro-) pastoral system
Measurement particularly deficient in current surveys
Produced daily, but with seasonal patterns
Varies depending on the lactation stage
It can be fed to calves
Productive/lactating animals may be present but not necessarily milked
Non-standard units widely used
Importance for livelihoods, nutrition of rural poor
Why Milk?
Context: Survey experiments/validations
Consumption exp. (Scott and Amenuvegbe, 1991; Joliffe, 2001; Beegle et al., 2010; Backiny-Yetna and Steele, ing)
Recall in ag. (Beegle et al., 2011)
Ag. production diaries (Deininger et al., 2011)
Child labor (Dillon et al., 2010)
Labor statistics (Bardasi et al., 2010)
e (Beegle, ongoing)
Micro-enterpise profits (Mel et al., 2009)
Presser et al. (2004)
Standard LSMS livestock product “table”
Loss of detail, specificity (
