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文档介绍:张璐 2017年3月31日
Discourse on Method
René Descartes:
Brief introduction
Hifrom his right use of reason
“For I found myself confounded by so many doubts and errors that it seemed to me that I had not gained any profit from my attempt to teach myself, except that more and more I had discovered my ignorance.”
“… a man of letters in his study… the more they are removed from common sense, the more pride he will take in them, for he will have to employ that much more wit and ingenuity in attempting to render them plausible.”
“I learned not to believe anything too firmly of which I had been persuaded only by example and custom; and thus I little by little freed myself from many errors that can darken our natural light and render us less able to listen to reason.”
“… considering how many opinions there can be about the very same matter that are held by learned people without there ever being the possibility of more than one opinion being true, I deemed everything that was merely probable to be well-nigh false.”
How to use the reason rightly?——Skepticism and Method
Cartesian skepticism:
Doubt anything that can be doubted
Difference from those of skeptics:
The skeptics——doubt
Descartes——throw down the false and assure the true.
“I was imitating the skeptics who doubt merely for the sake of doubting and put on the affectation of being perpetually undecided, for, on the contrary, my entire plan tended simply to give me assurance and to cast aside the shifting earth and sand in order to find rock or clay.”
How to use the reason rightly?——Skepticism and Method
—Building metaphor
—principle rules of his method
“The first was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such; that is to say, carefully to avoid precipitancy and prejudice, and to comprise nothing more in my judgment than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt.
The second, to div


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