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文档介绍:: .
km /a. Total area of the Qingshuigou and Q8 promontories increased by and km , respectively, with mean net
accretion rates of and km2/a, respectively. Relative to the Diaokou, Shenxiangou and Qingshuigou promontories, the
west area of the Diaokou Promontory and south area of the Qingshuigou Promontory were relatively stable, although minor erosion
occurred. The general pattern of accretion and erosion of the modern Yellow River subaerial delta was divided into three stages:
rapid accretion stage (1976–1984), accretion–erosion adjustment stage (1985–1995), and slow erosion stage (1996–present).
The factors affecting the pattern of erosion and accretion over the Yellow River Delta, such as structural geology, the Yellow
River sediment discharge, coastal processes, meteorological conditions, human activity, sea level rise and land subsidence were
summarized. The cumulative area of increase over the entire subaerial delta is closely correlated with the cumulative Yellow River
sediment discharge. Wave-induced longshore current is the major driving force to transport sediment from eroded areas along the
last two abandoned promontories, Diaokou and Shenxiangou promontories, mostly westerly and partially easterly. Together with
these coastal processes is the geographical shift of the Yellow River course associated with its discharge regime after 1976, leading
to the accretion along the present Qingshuigou Promontory and then the Q8 Promontory.
D 2005 Elsevier . All rights reserved.
Keywords: Yellow River (Huanghe) Delta; accretion; erosion; coastline; remote sensing
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 532 82032869; fax: +86 532


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