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文档介绍:Where is Sally?
Lesson 31-32
New Words and Expressions
Garden 花园:
There are lots of flowers in the garden. There is a big garden behind the house.
Under 在…的下面
There is a cat under the table.
There is a cup under the table.
There is a toy ship under the bed.
There is a dog under the bed.
New Words and Expressions
Climb the tree 爬树
There is an apple tree behind the house.
There is a banana tree behind the house
Candy is climbing the tree.
The monkey is climbing the tree.
New Words and Expressions
Fall down from….从..摔落下来
Dick is falling down from the tree.
Who 谁
Who are you?
Who is he?
Who is she?
Who is the boy talking to the teacher?
Who is the woman in red?
Who is the man with one big nose?
New Words and Expressions
Tom is running now.
Tom is running after Amy.
Tom is running after a dog.
Lily is running after a cat.
Tom is a runner.
New Words and Expressions
Don’t walk on the grass.
Give me a glass of water, please.
A pair of glasses
Who is the boy with a pair of sun- glasses?
New Words and Expressions
After 在…之后
Read after 。
Walk after 。
The day after
Across 横过,穿过
Go across
The boy is swimming across that
The old man is walking across the street.
The little cat is running across the grass.
New Words and Expressions
Kitty小猫崽=little cat
Hello Kitty
Dog Doggy
Duck ducky
New Words and Expressions
type 打字
Sally is typing letters now.
letter 信,字母
There are 26 letters in the alphabet.
eat 吃--ate(过去式)
have a meal 吃一顿
have breakfast 、 lunch 、 dinner
New Words and Expressions
bone 骨头
Dogs like eating bones.
clean 干净的清扫
Let’s keep it clean. 保持卫生
Let’s clean the room.
Tooth –teeth(复数)
Brush the teeth


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