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21.+第三十四篇:To Have and Have Not逃亡
22.+第三十五篇:Going Her Own Way选择她自己的路
23.+第三十六篇:A Tale of Scottish Rural Life(2011年教材中为B级文章)一个关于苏格兰乡村生活的故事
24.+第三十七篇:Pop Music in Africa非洲的流行音乐
25.+第三十八篇:Why So Many Children为什么有这么多的孩子
26.+第三十九篇:Eat to Live(2011年教材中为B级文章)为了活着吃饭
27.+第四十篇:Narrow Escape(2011年教材中为B级文章)美国疾病预防新政策
28.+第四十七篇:Narrow Escape九死一生
To Have and Have Not
It had been boring hanging about the hotel all afternoon. The road crew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to see whose would fly the having nothing better to do,I joined in and won five,and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-looking clouds,I had to get out for a while.
I headed for a shop on the other side of the street. Unlike the others,it didn't have a sign shouting its name and business,and instead of the usual impersonal modern lighting,there was an appealing glow inside. Strangely nothing was displayed in the window. Not put off by this,I went inside.
It took my breath away. I didn't know where to look, where to start. On one wall there hung three hand-stitched American quilts that were in such wonderful condition they might have been newly-made. I came across tin toys and antique furniture, and on the wall in front of me, a 1957 Stratocaster guitar , also in excellent condition. A card pushed between the strings said $50. I ran my hand along a long shelf of records, reading their titles. And there was more...
“Can I help you?” She startled me. I hadn't even seen the woman behind the e in. The way she looked at me, so directly and with such power. It was a look of such intensity that for a moment I felt as if I were wrapped in some kind of ic or electrical field. I found it hard to take and almost turned away. But though it was fortable. I was fascinated by the experience of her looking straight into me, and by the feeling that I was neither a stranger, nor strange, to her.


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