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Religions in the World 世界宗教.ppt

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Religions in the World 世界宗教.ppt

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Religions in the World 世界宗教.ppt


文档介绍:Religions in the World
Religion, why do we have it?
Establish rules for people.
Ways to make your life better, longer, happier.
munity with others.
Understanding Life and Death and the world around you.
Religion as a Topic
A very difficult topic to discuss. Some reasons behind this are:
Religious belief can be polarizing
Government may ban or criticize a religion
There are many differences with in each religion.
The need for religion in our life today?
How much should religion be placed in our laws and government?
563 BCE 佛教
Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born.
7 BCE–36 CE 基督教
The approximate time for the life of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity.
2000–1850 BCE 伊斯兰教
The traditionally accepted period in which the Islamic patriarchal figure Abraham lived.
950 BCE 犹太教
The Torah, the core texts of Judaism, is believed to be given by God to Moses
Religious groups 宗教群体
Islam 伊斯兰教
Islam 伊斯兰教
Islam is the predominant(主要的) religion in Africa and the Middle East, as well as in major parts of Asia.
About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries, 30% in the Indian subcontinent(次大陆) and % in Indonesia(印尼), which is the largest Muslim country by population.
Holy Book: Qur'an 古兰经
Doctrines: Six Beliefs of Islam 六大信仰
1、信真主安拉 Believe God: There is only one true god and his name is Allah
2、信天使 Believe Angels
3、信使者 Believe Divine Creed
4、信经典 Believe Quran (古兰经)
5、信末日审判和死后复活 Believe The end times and Resurrection
6、信前定 Believe Predestination(命中注定)


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