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文档介绍:How to write a synthesis
Definition of synthesis essay
A synthesis is bination, usually a shortened version, of several texts.
A synthesis is not a summary.
A synthesis is an opportunity to create new knowledge out of already existing knowledge.
Difference between summary and synthesis
Basic reading technique.
Advanced reading technique.
Pulls together information in order to highlight the important points.
You pull together information not only to highlight the important points, but also to draw your own conclusions.
Re-iterates the information.
Combines and contrasts information from differernt sources.
Shows what the original authours wrote.
Not only reflects your knowledge about what the original authors wrote, but also creates something new out of two or more pieces of writing.
Addresses one set of information(,chapter,document) at a time Each source remains distinct.
Combines parts and elements from a variety of sources into one unified entity.
Presents a cursory overview.
Forcuses on both main ideas and details.
Demonstrates an understanding of the overall meaning.
Achieves new insight.
Difference between summary and synthesis
Part 1 of 4: Examining Your Topic
Part 2 of 4: Outlining Your Essay
Part 3 of 4: Writing Your Essay
Part 4 of 4: Finalizing Your Essay
How to Write a Synthesis E


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