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Part B
In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
Canada’s premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left plaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might spare a moment to do something, together, to reduce health-care costs.
They’re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-ponent of which are pharmaceutical costs.
41. ____[E] According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the es from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher
What to do? Both the mission and the mittee on health care -- to say nothing of reports from other experts -- mended the creation of a national drug agency. Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.
42. ____[C] What does “national” mean? Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby mended a federal-provincial body much like the recently created National Health
But “national” doesn’t have to mean that. “National” could mean interprovincial -- bining efforts to create one body.
Either way, one benefit of a “national” organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers. Instead of having one province -- or a series of hospitals within a province -- negotiate a price for a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces.
Rather than, say,