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东京精密株式会社是日本著名半导体制造设备之一,公司总部设在日本东京都三鹰市, 在美国,欧洲,新加坡,中国等地设有分公司,研发基地或生产厂等.
We develop our businesses in two key areas: semiconductor manufacturing equipment and precision measuring systems. Our philosophy is to generate long-term growth through the creation of "WIN-WIN," or mutually beneficial, relationships, with all our stakeholders - customers, business partners, shareholders and employees.(公司网站原文)
东京精密主要从事半导体加工设备及精密测量仪器制造及开发. 半导体加工设备有硅片加工用地倒角机、内圆切片机, 半导体加工前道工序用的光刻机(LEEPL)、CMP、晶片表面综合检查设备及测试封装用的探针台、划片机、硅片背面抛光机等.
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Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment:Product list
Wafer Manufacturing System
Variety of products line for wafer manufacturers including Wafer Slicing Machine and Wafer Edge Grinding Machine.
Sliced Wafer Carbon Demounting and Cleaning Machine : C-RW-200/300
Feature 1
Automatic demounting of wafers from the slicing base, cleaning and storing into the cassette.
Wafer Edge Grinding: W-GM-5200
Newly-developed grinding unit enhances the rotative precision of the spindle, and improves the surface roughness.
The non-contact measuring method achieves the stable alignment.
Performs the non-contact measuring of the pre-processed wafer thickness at multiple points, the diameter and notch depth of the post-processed wafer.
The modular concept to make the optimum process line possible.
Low damage grinding method is available.
Feature 1
Machine specification ready for 300 mm and 200 mm wafer.
Feature 2
Visual system (optional) for measuring the chamfer width of periphery and notch.
Wafer Edge Grinding: W-GM-4200
Newly-developed grinding unit enhances the rotative precision of the spindle, and improves the surface roughness.
The non-contact measuring method achieves the stable alignment.
Performs the non-contact measuring of the pre-processed wafer thickness a


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