宁夏儿童福利院,宁夏银川 750001
[摘要] 目的探讨接种水痘减毒活疫苗对儿童的保护作用及意义。方法将同一流行期内的33例儿童水痘分为已接种水痘疫苗组和未接种水痘疫苗组,从临床特征、愈后情况进行对比分析。结果接种水痘疫苗组患儿较未接种水痘疫苗组临床症状轻,患儿体温基本均正常,水疱数目明显少,且合并上呼吸道感染症状明显减少,出疹及脱痂时间、病程和疗程明显缩短,差异有统计学意义(P<)。结论水痘减毒活疫苗具有免疫保护作用,儿童应及时接种,同时建议完善水痘免疫策略以提高其免疫持久性。
[ .jyqkous Region, 750001, China
[Abstract] Objective To study the protective effect and meaning of inoculating Live Attenuated Varicella ine on children. Methods 33 children suffered chickenpox in the same epidemic period ptoms and healing conditions of tptoms and healing conditions of the children ptoms of the children perature al, the number of blister uch less, the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection significantly reduced, the breaking out in a rash and decrustation time and course of disease and course of treatment mune protective effect for children. Therefore, children should be inated prove chickenpox immunity strategy to enhance its immune persistence.
[Key ptoms
[简介] 范篆玲(—),女,宁夏人,本科,副主任医师,研究方向:儿科临床与儿童康复。
水痘(chi ckenpox,varicella)是由水痘-带状疱疹病毒(vari