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文档介绍:Mrs. Smith’s living room is _______.
There is a _________ in the room.
The television is near the ________.
There are some ___________ on the television.
There is a ________ in the room.
There are some newspapers on the table.
There are some __________ in the room.
The armchairs are near the _______.
There is a ________ in the room.
The stereo is near the _______.
There are some _________ on the stereo.
There are some _________ in the room.
The pictures are on the _________.
Mrs. Smith’s living room is _______.
There is a _________ in the room.
The television is near the ________.
There are some ___________ on the television.
There is a ________ in the room.
There are some newspapers on the table.
There are some __________ in the room.
The armchairs are near the _______.
There is a ________ in the room.
The stereo is near the _______.
There are some _________ on the stereo.
There are some _________ in the room.
The pictures are on the _________.
Mrs. Smith’s living room is _______.
There is a _________ in the room.
The television is near the ________.
There are some ___________ on the television.
There is a ________ in the room.
There are some newspapers on the table.
There are some __________ in the room.
The armchairs are near the _______.
There is a ________ in the room.
The stereo is near the _______.
There are some _________ on the stere