摘要 II
Abstract III
一、皮影戏的历史与价值 1
(一)皮影戏的形成与发展 1
(二)皮影戏的价值 1
1、影戏的美学价值 1
2、影戏的教育价值 2
3、影戏的艺术价值 3
4、影戏的社会价值 3
二、腾冲皮影戏的现状分析 4
(一)腾冲皮影戏发展简史 4
(二)腾冲皮影戏的流派和特点 4
(三)腾冲皮影戏的唱腔、剧目和戏组 5
1、影戏的唱腔 5
2、影戏的剧目 5
3、影戏的戏组 5
(四)影戏影人的制作 5
(五)影戏的表演场所 6
(六)皮影戏的演出 7
三、腾冲皮影戏面临的问题及保护措施 7
(一)腾冲皮影戏面临的问题 7
1、政府保护制度不完善 7
2、影戏班子规模小,没有特定的制作交流场所 8
3、缺乏观众群体,受关注程度低 8
4、影戏出现后继无人的局面 8
(二)腾冲皮影戏的保护措施 9
1、政府对皮影戏的保护—立法保护 9
2、民间对皮影戏的保护 11
3、企业对皮影戏保护的参与 12
四、结语 13
参考文献: 14
后记 15
Shadow Figures of Tengchong analyzing prospects for the development
The Shadow,renown for its unique artistic style,at home and abroaw of China Chinese folk art is art in a bright pearl.It is a long history of financial folk paper-cut,painting,drama as a whole,is a valuable “non-material cultural heritage”, due to the impact of modern culture,film and television,shadow puppets and gradually fading out of people’s visiow Figures of Tengchong Shadow After several hundred years of development,and formed its own distinct characteristics,but now faces new blood coming in the audience sharp decline in the situa order to reproduce the past glory and the Shadow Figures of Tengchong constantly develop,analyze shadow problems,the relative protection measures put forward is the key to solving the problem.
Keywords: Shadow Figures of Tengchong;value;non-material cultural heritage