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文档介绍:Misperceptions of Americans about Chinese Culture
I. Introduction
Through munication with both American and Chinese participants, the author of the paper has found that in munication between Americans and Chinese, many misperceptions and misunderstandings occur which neither side is aware of due to differences munication patterns at the psycho-cultural or deep culture level. As a result of globalization, a better mutual understanding between Americans and Chinese cultures is of growing importance. The value of learning English and American culture has been realized by Chinese professionals and students. Unfortunately, the interest in learning Mandarin and Chinese culture has not been shared by Americans yet. So misperceptions and misunderstandings of Americans about Chinese culture emerge when Americans and municate with each other. And this paper aims to uncover some of the sources and to propose proper ways to ease future American-Chinese interactions in political, business and social contexts from the perspective of munication, in order to help Americans reduce the chances of formulating and escalating such misperceptions and misunderstandings about Chinese culture and in turn enhance the chances to conduct more constructive interactions between the two cultures at all levels and all sectors.
II. Literature Review
Up to now, many scholars have mainly done their researches on parative study of culture differences between Americans and Chinese. For example, Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. porter and Lisa A. Stefani
(2000) have analyzed how time and behavior are linked: Are Americans and Chinese past-oriented, present-oriented or future oriented?(2000,page167) Additionally, Yuzhong Zhou(2004) have talked about different attitudes towards time between Americans and Chinese.(2004,page78) he has also talked about the social relationships from the following four subcategories: Respecting old people or being afraid of them(2004,page99), Differences of wedding customs(2


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