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A篇German Etiquette Group Targets Workplace Kissing
难度系数:词数:302 建议阅读时间:5分钟
A society in Germany which advises on etiquette(礼仪) and social behaviour has called for kissing to be banned in the workplace.
The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting colleagues and business partners with a kiss on the cheek is fortable for many Germans.
The society’s chairman, Hans-Michael Klein, says he has received concerned emails from workers on the issue.
He advises people in the workplace to stick to the traditional handshake.
“We can’t forbid (kissing in the workplace),” he told the BBC.
“But we have to protect people who don’t want to be kissed. So we are suggesting that if people don’t mind it, they announce it with a little paper message placed on their desk.”
Mr. Klein said he had received 50 emails this year alone on the rise of kissing on the cheek?sometimes both cheeks?as a greeting at work.
“People say this is not typical German behaviour,” he said.
“It e from places like Italy, France and South America, and belongs in a specific cultural context. ?We don’t like it.’ they say.”
The society held a meeting on the issue, and carried out a survey of people both on the street and at their seminars, he said.
“Most people said they didn’t like it. They feel there is somehow an erotic aspect to it ?a form of body contact which can be used by men