I 成都理工大学工程技术学院专科毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 旅游业的社会弊端及其治理所在系: 工商管理系专业名称: 旅游管理学生姓名: 张宣林学号: 200820603114 指导教师: 张波 2012 年 3 月 18 日大学生论文写作指导论文的选题方法毕业论文开题报告格式毕业论文开题报告注意...毕业论文格式毕业论文注意事项 I 旅游业的社会弊端及其治理摘要关键词:旅游业旅游环境可持续发展社会弊端 Tourism's social ills and its governance ABSTRACT II Tourism is less investment, good returns, earning more than an impetus to the development of a number of related industries and increase employment and to promote international economic exchanges industry. Although China is rich in natural resources, but lack of investment in tourism, facilities and backward, and also because the long-term high level of protection by the State, lack of petition mechanism, resulting in China's tourism industry is far behind developed countries. For the development of China's tourism industry should be expanded, opening up the scope, improve the tourism associated with the various supporting facilities, strengthening of macroeconomic management, improve service quality, and accelerate the development of tourism products, expand tourism promotion, the importance of tourism security, and strengthen the establishment of relevant laws and regulations, and talents. Keywords: Tourism environmentally sustainable tourism development of social ills 1 目录中文摘要………………………………………………………………..I ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………….II 引言………………………………………………………………………