论导游从业人员素质的提高 1 论导游从业人员素质的提高摘要:随着我国旅游业的迅猛发展和所面临的经济全球化、网络普及化、交通现代化、需求个性化的新环境,旅游市场发生了许多新的变化,对导游服务的规范化、专业化、个性化、多样化提出了更高、更多的要求。游客需要的不再仅仅是吃、住、行、游、购、娱这六大要素,而是需要导游员来为其服务,为游客安排在旅游城市及旅游景点的食宿等,更重要的是为游客介绍城市的旅游资源和风土民情,让游客能在短时间内了解、甚至爱上这个城市。但是,发展到今天为此,导游员给人们产生的一种印象是帮旅行社赚钱的工具,导致这种现象的主要原因便是导游员的个人素质和受到的教育程度。因此,提高导游员的素质是现在势在必行的一件事,是拯救旅游业的关键,更是挽回城市形象的最佳渠道。本人在文献综述和研究概述的基础上,在本文中具体阐述了导游员的根本性质,提出几点因导游员素质造成的旅游纠纷,给旅游业造成的负面影响,并详细说明导游员应该从哪几方面提高素质,最后,指出导游员提高素质的重要性。关键词:导游员;素质提高;旅行社;重要性名人堂:众名人带你感受他们的驱动人生马云任志强李嘉诚柳传志史玉柱论导游从业人员素质的提高 2 Improving the Quality of Tour Guides Practitioners Abstract:With the rapid development of China′s tourism industry and the face of economic globalization, the popularity, traffic modernization, demand personalized new environment, tourism market has many new changes, the tour guide services, standardization, specialization, personalization , a higher diversity, more requests. Visitors need more than just the food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment that the six elements, but rather guides to its services for visitors, tourist cities and tourist attractions in the room and board and, more importantly, is to introduce visitors to the city;s tourism resources and local customs, so that visitors can learn in a short time, or even fall in love with the city. However, this development today, tour guides give people th