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文档介绍:David. Howks
Brief Introduction
Expirence in Beijing
Major works
The Story of the Stone
zang Hua Yin
6 July 1923 - 31 July 2009
British Sinologist
a research student at the National Peking University from 1948 to 1951.
Brief Introduction
participate in the founding ceremony of the People's Republic
get married in Beijing
Expirence in Beijing
Major works
Ch'u Tz'u: the Songs of the South, an Ancient Chinese Anthology. (1959, revised 1985)
A Little Primer of Tu Fu. (1967)
The Story of the Stone: a Chinese Novel in Five Volumes. (1973–1980. Hawkes was responsible for volumes 1–3, chapters 1-80)
Liu Yi and the Dragon Princess. (Arias published in 2001, now to be published in entirety).
The Story of the Stone: a Translator's Notebooks.
Chinese: Classical Modern, and Humane
Classical, Modern and Humane: Essays in Chinese Literature.
translate the first eighty chapters over 10 years
correct "black jade" to "Lin Daiyu"
his translation of The Story of the Stone exclusively dominate in the western world.
The Story of the Stone
Zang Hua Yin
1. 花谢花飞飞满天,
2. 红消香断有谁怜?
3. 游丝软系飘春榭,
4. 落絮轻沾扑绣帘。
5. 闺中女儿惜春暮,
6. 愁绪满怀无着处;
7. 手把花锄出绣帘,
8. 忍踏落花来复去?
9. 柳丝榆荚自芳菲,
10. 不管桃飘与李飞;
11. 桃李明年能再发,
12. 明年闺中知有谁?
13. 香巢初垒成,
14. 梁间燕子太无情!
15. 明年花发虽可啄,
16. 却不道人去梁空巢已倾。
17. 一年三百六十日,
18. 风刀霜剑严相逼;
19. 明媚鲜妍能几时,
20. 飘泊难寻觅。
21. 花开易见落难寻,
22. 阶前愁杀葬花人;
23. 独把花锄偷洒泪,
24. 洒上空枝见血痕