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101种激励员工的方法(101 Ways to motivate employees).doc

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101种激励员工的方法(101 Ways to motivate employees).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/8 文件大小:23 KB


101种激励员工的方法(101 Ways to motivate employees).doc


文档介绍:101种激励员工的方法(101 Ways to motivate employees)
101 Ways to motivate employees
In the spring of 1. weddings or other important occasions, reveal a face, express your concern for employees.
2. "please" and "thank you", and to express gratitude to the staff, at the same time make a specific point.
3. remember employees celebrating the anniversary pany services, celebrating employees in front of everyone.
4. remember the special days of the family members, such as birthdays, children's birthdays, and send a card in person to congratulate them.
5. because of his excellent performance for the whole department on vacation.
6. in addition to the available vacation arrangements to honor false employees.
7. go to your office and ask him e to your office and thank him in person for his hard work.
8. ask the president or supervisor of pany to meet your subordinates to thank the subordinates for their outstanding performance.
9. call your names and greet them when you meet employees or meet them in the hallway.
10. the employee as a specialist staff with an open mind to ask for suggestions.
When you pay 11., write a few words of praise to the employee on the envelope, or give the payroll to the employee personally, and take a few minutes to thank him for his effort last month.
12. when dining out with the team, prepare for what you want to say to your employees for your recent plishments.
13. employees did tell him immediately, do not miss the best time.
14. posted a letter mendation, not impossible, to write a clear recognition of the specific matters.
15. reward your employees by writing short notes, or remind them of what needs to be improved.
16. the use of oral or written approval of the award, the outstanding staff for individual. When necessary, both oral and written and used, the key is to timely and sincere.
17. spend time meeting employees, and listen to them when they need and want them.
18. when the team to provide their suggestions or ideas, for thei


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