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cisco防火墙配置手册(Cisco firewall configuration manual).doc

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cisco防火墙配置手册(Cisco firewall configuration manual).doc

上传人:rjmy2261 2017/11/17 文件大小:25 KB


cisco防火墙配置手册(Cisco firewall configuration manual).doc



文档介绍:cisco防火墙配置手册(Cisco firewall configuration manual)
First, Cisco Pix routine mands
1, Pix model introduction
">" user mode
From user mode to privileged mode
"#" privilege mode
Firewall#config t
From privilege mode to global configuration mode
"(config) #" global configuration mode.
Firewall (config) #
The firewall configuration can pleted only in global mode.
Basic configuration introduction
1. Port naming, device naming, IP address configuration and
port activation
NameIf 0 outside security0
port naming
NameIf gb-0 inside security100
The definition of port name and security level, security level outside "0" inside "by default, the default security level is 100, and high security level access to low level of security, but the low level of security can not take the initiative to a high level of security.
Firewall (config) #hostname firewall
Device name
Firewall (config) #ip address outside
Internal and external address settings
Firewall (config) #ip address inside
Firewall (config) interface 0 100full #
Activate external port
Firewall (config) interface gb-0 1000auto #
Activate internal port
2, , SSH, web landing configuration and password configuration
Firewall default is not allowed to the internal / work users through remote login or WEB access, need to open the corresponding function.
Firewall (config) # inside allows the machine inside work to break into the firewall
Configure remote login to firewall from work
Firewall (config) #domain-name
Firewall (config) crypto key generate RSA #
Firewall (config) #ssh outside
Allow all work address can login firewall, can also define a specific address can be logged from the work to the firewall, such as:
Firewall (config) #ssh outside
Firewall (config) #enable password Cisco
Password to enter privileged mode from user mode
Firewall (co


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