The family has set up camp in my brother’s house. I live just next door, but it makes us feel better to be all in the same house. My brother, a novelist, is writing his articles; I am writing mine. From time to time a 1)tremor will make us pause and run back outside, just in case, to be safe. I wonder how long we will have to be so cautious, and I long for 2)normalcy.
We sleep. We listen to the radio. We exchange information. Mostly, we have been trying to stay alive and sane since that Tuesday afternoon a week ago when the earthquake changed our lives forever. It doesn’t help that the earth continues to 3)convulse. Just this morning, we felt another tremor, the most violent since the earthquake itself. Let us hope it did not cause more deaths and damage.
I do not recognize the streets of Port-au-Prince. In front of what used to be a school, three corpses are covered 4)demurely by a blue sheet. Feet and eyes carefully avoid the small 5)cadavers. A few miles down, the Sacré-Coeur church, where the upper-middle class used to be baptized, married, and buried, is a big pile of rubbish.
Under the broken glass and bricks of the five-story Caribbean Supermarket―which carried the most varied