一、绪论 4
(一)问题的提出 4
(二)课题研究的意义 6
(三)研究现状 6
(四)研究内容及重点难点 7
(1)研究重点: 8
(2)研究难点: 8
二、手机文化的概述 9
(一)相关概念的界定 9
(二)手机文化特征 9
(三)手机文化的功能 11
三、大学生手机使用调查分析 13
(一)调查总况 13
(二)被调查的基本情况 13
(三)大学生手机使用调查报告分析 13
四、手机文化对大学生价值观发展的影响 22
(一)经济价值取向正在走向功利化 22
(二)人生价值取向正在走向享乐化 22
(三)审美价值取向正在走向感性化 22
(四)信仰价值取向正在走向“拜星化” 23
五、应对手机文化影响,加强大学生教育的对策 24
(一)积极跟进,领先潮流 24
(二)加强引导,掌握主动 24
(三)适度规范,除弊兴利 25
六、结语 27
参考文献: 30
关键词: 大学生手机文化价值观影响
Abstract: Mobile phone,as a fashion element of modem society,has swept the whole world,as well as brought a tremendous challenge to the mainstream ideological education of college students. Cell phone culture, as a media culture, popular culture,and a sub-culture with youth as the main force,has met the psychological needs of students,therefore it will inevitably have a profound impact on college students in various forms,,and rich in content. In addition to that it panies strong sense of fashion, high conveniences,extraordinarily personalization,and well concealment. we must have a dialectical analysis of the impacts that mobile phone culture has on the mainstream ideology of college students,including both positive and negative ones. What's more,we must have a profound study of the deep -seated reasons which have brought forth these impacts,and actively explore ways to enhance the ideological education of college students under the circumstances of mobile phone culture. Regarding the university Ideological and political education work, the handset culture has the pro and con two aspect functions. Its positive way displays is,Causes the Ideological and political education to be more widespread the peda