摘要 1
Abstract 1
1 前言 2
原生质体融合技术的发展 2
2 材料与方法 3
材料与仪器 3
实验方法 3
3实验结果与分析 4
各种灭活方法的最佳灭活条件 4
4 结论 4
灭活方法的结论 4
总结与体会 4
致谢词 4
参考文献 4
本实验对米曲霉Aspergillums oryzae 2339的原生质体分别进行紫外线、微波和超声波灭活,探讨各种灭活方法的最佳灭活条件。然后在各种灭活方法的最佳条件下对双亲原生质体进行灭活,用PEG作融合剂进行原生质体融合。各从融合子中选出8株生长速度快、菌落直径大的融合株,接种到酪素平板上测其Hc值,并与亲本菌株进行比较。同时比较各种灭活方式的融合率及Hc值,从中找出最大Hc值的灭活方式。结果发现,亲本菌株Aspergillus oryzae 2339采用微波灭活方法,Aspergillus oryzae ,也就是该种灭活方式是最佳的灭活方式,从而筛选出8株菌株,这8株融合株的Hc值均比生长速度快而产酶量低的亲本菌株Aspergillus ,且均超过了生长速度慢但产酶量大的亲本菌株Aspergillus oryzae 2339。摘要中文字用楷体小四,英文和数字全文都采用Times new roman。
AbstractTimes new roman 加粗,居中。英文摘要以200个实词为宜。
This experiment inactivated protoplast of Aspergillus oryzae which growmuch faster and Aspergillus oryzae 2339 which produce much better enzyme with ultraviolet,microwave and ultrasonic separately. Though this we could find the best term of each method for that we use these methods to inactivate the two kinds protoplasts separately. Then we used PEG to fuse inactivated protoplasts. Screened 8 individual plants which grown faster and the diameter was bigger in each method of fusion, inoculated them to the flat of casein, me