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文档介绍:Disorders of higher cerebral function
Zhou Saijun周赛君, Department of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University
cognition function
our ability to plex intellectual behaviors such as
speaking and writing
navigating our way around our environment
recognizing other people
comprehending time
Cerebral hemisphere
Brain stem
dominant hemisphere
The side of the brain that controls writing and speech is called the dominant hemisphere and the other side is the non-dominant hemisphere.
The left hemisphere is dominant in over 90% of right-handed people and in about 60% of left-handed people .
motor cortex
this is located in the percentral gyrus
and is concerned with motor function
of the opposite side of the body
Symptoms from lesions of the motor cortex
contralateral mono-or hemiparesis and facial weakness
Supplementary motor and premotor cortices disorders plex motor planning.
2. Broca’s area
the motor or expressive centre for the productions of speech
(dominant hemisphere only ).
Symptoms from lesions of the Broca’s area
expressive dysphasia :
prises non-fluent, hesitant speech with prehension.
The patient knows what he or she wants to say but has difficulty finding the correct words ,often producing the wrong word.
The ability to repeat words is better than spontaneous speech. Handwriting is also often poor.


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