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Lead up:
The Pure Brightness Day; All Souls’Day; The Clear-and-Bright Feast; the Rainy Season of Spring; the Tomb-visiting Day; The Mourning Day
吴钧陶译 The Pure Brightness Day
It drizzles thick on the Pure Brightness Day;
I travel with my heart lost in dismay.
Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?
He points at Apricot Bloom Village far away.
杨宪益、戴乃迭译:In the Rainy Season of Spring
It drizzles endless during the rainy season in spring,
Travelers along the road look gloomy and miserable.
When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,
He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.
许渊冲译 The Mourning Day
A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;
The mourner's heart is going to break on his way.
Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?
A cowherd points to a cot 'mid apricot flowers.
to kill two birds with one stone
to flog a dead horse;do sth in vain; make futile efforts鞭打死马;白费力气
a drop in a bucket 沧海一粟;太仓一粟;九牛一毛;微不足道;微乎其微;不足挂齿
to teach a pig to play on a flute 教猪吹笛;对牛弹琴;
(直译)like a rat crossing the street
(意译) the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by everybody
(直译) the courtyard is like a market.
(意译)a much visited house; a busy town; bustling; crowded
(直译)to gaze at plums to quench one’s thirst
(意译)to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies (illusion); imagined satisfaction; a Barmecide (《一千零一夜》中一个口惠而实不至的人物)feast.
(直译)as dangerous as a pile of eggs
(意译)hazardous in the extreme; great insecurity; in a precarious condition; at stake, at risk; at hazard; in peril; in danger; perilous; risky; critical...
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.
A creaky wheel gets the oil.
(直译)The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the moun