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文档介绍:Chinese Traditional Costume
Chinese Traditional Costume
Han Dynasty
Sui and Tang dynasties
Song and Yuan dynasties
Ming and Qing Dynasties
the Republic of China
Modern society
Hanfu is known as Hanzhuang , is the traditional dress of the Han Chinese people. The term Hanfu derives from the Book of Han,which says,''then many came to the court to pay homage and were delighted at the clothing style of the Han.''
Yi(衣):Any open cross-collar
garment, and worn by both sexes.
Pao(袍):Any closed full-body
garment, worn only by men.
Ru(襦):Open cross-collar shirt.
Shan(衫):Open cross-collar shirt
or jacket that is worn over the yi.
Qun(裙) or chang(裳):Skirt for
women and men.
Ku(裤):Trousers or pants.
The structure
Informal dress
Types include tops(yi)
and bottoms (divided
further into pants and
skirts for both genders),
and one-piece robes that
wrap around the body
once or several times)
Semi-formal dress
chang(裳):a pleated skirt
bixi(蔽膝):long front cloth
panel attached from the
waist belt.
zhaoshan(罩衫):long open
fronted coat
Formal dress
Xuanduan(玄端):a very
formal dark robe, equivalent
to the Western white tie
Shenyi(深衣):a long full
-body garment
Curving-front robe(曲裾):
diagonal body wrapping
round-collared robe; mostly
used for official dress
The brief introduction of costume in Tang Dynasty
The features of costume in Tang Dynasty
How does costume in Tang e into being?
Tang Dynasty
From the Sui to the Tang, the ancient Chinese clothing developed to its peak. The political stability, economic development, manufacturing and textile technology, and the frequent foreign relations contributed to the development of clothing. The clothing in this period had formed the most fantastic chapter in the clothing history.


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