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上传人:jiqingyong345 2017/12/14 文件大小:67 KB




文档介绍:Paper Title(论文题目)
Subtitle as needed (论文子标题,如果需要的话)
LIU Jin1, DAN Tieshan1, HU Jie2(作者名单,排序自定)
1. School of Management, Dalian University of XXXXX, Dalian, China, 116024
2. School of Management, Dalian University of XXXXX, Dalian, China, 116024
Abstract: This electronic document is a “live” template. The ponents of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document.
Keywords: component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)
This template, modified in MS Word 2003 and saved as “Word 97-2003 & – RTF” for the PC, provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers..
Ⅱ.Ease of Use(一级标题)
a Template (二级标题)
First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper.
the Integrity of the Specifications
The template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anti