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actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the
actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the
  诞生美国,形成于20世纪的20至40年代。创始人施拉姆。集大成者——社会学家拉扎斯菲尔德: “两极传播理论〞;政治家拉斯韦尔:“五W模式〞;心理学家卢因:“团体动力说〞;社会心 理学家霍夫兰:有关态度改变和劝服艺术的理论。
  1〕研究对象不同。新闻学以新闻传媒及其行为作为研究对象,群众传播学把研究对象扩展为所 有群众传播手段。2〕研究方法有别。新闻学运用的主要是定性描述,而群众传播学以定量分析 作为根本方法。3〕研究重点不同。新闻学重点研究新闻传播的内在机制和舆论效应,群众传播 学重在研究传播行为与社会的一般互动关系。
  1〕“施拉姆学派〞即传播学的传统学派,受美国的社会体制和实用主义哲学的影响,为维护和 稳固现有的传播制度效劳。2〕20世纪60年代欧洲崛起传播学的“批判学派〞,主张把传播现象 放在具体的社会结构中进行考察。
actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the
actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the
actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lowe